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North American Overpower League

How to Join Challonge

Going forward, NAOL tournament players must have registered accounts on Challonge. The Challonge rating system, self-registration, messaging, profiles and notifications features only work when players are registered and belong to a Challonge community. So here are the steps you need to follow to become part of our North American Overpower League on Challonge.
  1. Using your web browser go to Sign Up – Challonge or click on the icon below.
  2. Choose your user name, password etc. Ensure you include a valid email address.
  3. Press the Create an Account button.
That’s it! Your Challonge account is now created and active. It is free of charge. You can pay a small fee to have the advertisements removed from your profile. I recommend just staying with the free version until you find you need the additional services that come with the “Premiere” version. You are now able to create your own tournaments, join existing tournaments and join communities for games that are active on Challonge.
In our case, we need you to become part of the North American Overpower League community. Here is how you do it
  1. On the initial Challonge landing page, enter NAOL in the search box.
  2. Select North American Overpower League This will bring you to our NAOL Community page
  3. Click on the Follow button
You are now following our community. You can read announcements. You can register for NAOL Tournaments, review your profile including your games played, etc. and leave messages. You can always see the current status of tournaments, who’s registered, how many are going, who to contact etc.
Leaderboards and player rankings will begin their tabulation once the OKC Shootout begins.
Finally you can click on the Facebook button if you want to let your friends know of your/our activities.

Author NAOL

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